Karan Singh Grover and Bipasha Basu celebrated their sixth wedding anniversary on Sunday. The pair, who has been the center of attention since the birth of their daughter Devi, offered a peek of their festivities, which were centered on having fun and dancing with their close friends.
Bipasha posted a video of herself and her husband Karan twinned together on her social media accounts. They dressed in black. The actor from Kasautii Zindagii Kay wore a black t-shirt with matching denim jeans, while Bipasha wore a black outfit with polka dots and stylish sunglasses. After dancing, the couple sliced the cake. Additionally, they exchanged “Happy Anniversary” greetings. They could also see the flower petals falling on them. They were seen sharing cake at the conclusion of the video.
“7 beautiful years together as husband and wife,” Bipasha captioned the video she posted on her Instagram account. My darling, happy anniversary. Monkey anniversary, monkey love.
Several fans and famous people left wishes for the couple in the comment sections after the video was posted. Happy anniversary to you both, commented Shamita Shetty. Along with them, Arti Singh and Neelam Kothari sent well wishes.
Bipasha posted a sweet message for Karan on April 28. She posted a flashback video from the day they exchanged vows and were legally married. The actress appeared in the film wearing a crimson saree with embroidery and a multi-tiered necklace, while Karan looked dapper in a white sherwani.
Bipasha had shared the video and stated, “This occurred 7 years ago. the day we officially became husband and wife by signing a document. Marrying my soul partner @iamksgofficial was the finest thing that ever happened to me. Love you always and always. 7th wedding anniversary, “monkey love,” “soul mate, “my heart,” and “my life.” Watch the following video:
In 2016, Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grover became husband and wife. In November 2022, the couple welcomed their daughter Devi Basu Singh Grover.